4 Ways CBD Oil Can Help Conquer Stress

business woman screaming due to anxiety, stressed out


Reading time: 3 minutes

There are well over 100 compounds from the cannabis plant that can have potentially fantastic benefits for the human body when consumed in a regulated manner. A prime example of this is cannabidiol - better known as CBD and is most commonly found in oil form.

As one of the leading proprietors of CBD oil in the UK, here at Beliebis UK, we are excited to share some of the ways it can reportedly help with stress.

Woman needs CBD oil to help with exam stress

1. Improves Blood Flow

Unfortunately, chronic stress can lead to our blood flow altering, which can have a catastrophic impact on a personโ€™s mental well-being. However, one of the most commonly associated benefits of CBD is that it can potentially act as a natural antidepressant.

By reducing stress, we can ensure that the correct blood flow is maintained, therefore easing the debilitating effects of high blood pressure.

2. Improve Serotonin Uptake

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which essentially controls a personโ€™s mood - if the brain does not receive an adequate dosage regularly, it can lead to an onset of stress and, in severe cases, depression.

This negative effect on your brain may be countered by regularly ingesting a regulated amount of CBD oil, thus providing a consistent boost to oneโ€™s mood by potentially improving the way serotonin interacts with the brain.

3. Boosts Your Endocannabinoid System

Although you may not realise it, the human body naturally produces compounds that interact with cannabinoid receptors in our nervous system called endocannabinoids.

These receptors make up a network which is commonly known as the endocannabinoid system. This network of predominantly CB1 and CB2 receptors is strongly linked to a personโ€™s fertility, as well as appetite, immune system and mood.

Unfortunately, should you be suffering from chronic stress, this can be severely thrown out of sync. Studies have suggested that by ingesting CBD oil products, the cannabinoids within the oil interact with our endocannabinoid system to help re-balance the bodyโ€™s homeostasis.

Couple sleeping in a comfortable bed

4. Enhances Sleep

One of the leading causes of stress across the world is a lack of sleep; due to the brain not achieving the amount of rest required to rejuvenate, mood swings become more frequent.

Approximately two-thirds of adults in the UK suffer from disturbed sleep. Anxiety and stress can easily set-in if a healthy sleep pattern cannot be established. Whilst CBD oil does not exhibit any psychoactive effects, it may reduce pain and stress and therefore improve sleep.

This improved sleep, in turn, helps to reduce stress and anxiety, whilst also improving your immune system!

How Can We Be Of Assistance?

Are you struggling to source CBD oil for sale that is not only reasonably priced but has also been UK laboratory certified, high in quality and tastes great?

If you find yourself relating to any of the prior scenarios, the chances are that you could stand to benefit greatly from the services provided by Beliebis. Home to some of the finest CBD products on the market, when you purchase from us, you need not worry about purity.

We recognise that due to the recent emergence of this industry, you may be curious to learn more before purchasing.

If this is the case, please get in touch via the live chat function on our website today, and speak to one of our representatives who will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

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