Will CBD Show On A Drug Test?

Will CBD show on a drug test? - Close up of vials in a lab


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Question: Will CBD show on a drug test?

Answer: In short, no. Drug tests will only target and identify THC and its metabolites, or tetrahydrocannabinol in full, not CBD & CBG, for example.

Although drug tests do not specifically screen for CBD, it is important to note that some CBD products will contain very low amounts of THC that could, potentially, show up on a drug test. However, this is unlikely.

This "contamination" can occur because CBD products are derived from hemp plants, a low-THC type of cannabis also known as industrial hemp.

Whilst some products will claim to contain no THC (these are recommended If you are required to take regular drug tests for your work), some CBD products contain residual THC left after the refinement process during manufacturing or will contain a low, legal amount of THC as part of their intended cannabinoid profile, such as full-spectrum CBD products.

You should therefore use your discernment with regards to your own particular brand or type of CBD oil when determining whether it is likely that this will show up on a drug test.

If you believe there is a chance, speaking to the person testing you may be your best option. You should bring your CBD product with you and/or obtain a note from your doctor to prove that this product is used for health reasons.

We will cover this in further detail, however, in short, if you are subject to random drug tests and you wish to use CBD without the risk, then a CBD isolate based product may be the best choice for you.

You can read more about the difference between full-spectrum oil and CBD isolate here.

Will CBD Show On A Drug Test?
Blood and Urine Test Tubes

What is CBD?

Cannabis sativa is a plant that can be cultivated for numerous health purposes. It can also be used as a health food by utilizing hemp seed and hemp-based materials. It has been associated with lessening mental health symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

There are over 400 compounds contained within the cannabis plant, and approximately 80 of these are biologically activated. The most prominent of these compounds are cannabinoids, The most common of these include CBD, THC, CBG or cannabigerol, CBN or cannabinol and CBC or cannabichromene.

THC is the most well-known compound as it is the psychoactive element in cannabis that is intoxicating. CBD can also have some psychoactive effects, but these are far less likely to induce a โ€˜highโ€™ in consumers and are more commonly used by researchers when studying how it can treat various health conditions.

THC will bind to receptors in different sections of the brain. These receptors are usually utilised by endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoid compounds that are naturally produced by the human body.

However, CBD does not bind to these receptors in the same way.

Therefore, science cannot currently deduce how CBD implements its evident effects but they believe that they might enhance endocannabinoid levels in the body and/or bind to serotonin receptors, which explains the way that CBD may ease depression.

CBD is also used for therapeutic reasons including reducing muscle inflammation and preventing nausea.

How Does Drug Testing for Cannabis Work?

Urine drug tests for cannabis are the most commonly used. This is because a urine-based drug screening is classified as an โ€œimmunoassay testโ€ which is one that utilizes antibodies that are designed to attach themselves to specified drugs and the metabolites that they include.

If these antibodies recognize the presence of illegal drugs in the body, they produce signals that will register the test as โ€œpositiveโ€.

The presence of a drug that falls under the current concentration threshold will show return a โ€œnegativeโ€ result and so this is important to consider if you are worried about the minimal levels of THC that may be contained in your CBD oil, for instance.

If your test does show as โ€œpositiveโ€ then you may be asked to take another screening test including chromatography and mass spectroscopy tests. These tests will be far more accurate with regards to detection and will be able to attribute the correct metabolites to the applicable substance.

There is also the possibility of โ€˜false-negativeโ€™ and โ€˜false-positive' results due to the potential for cross - contamination and so doctors should be aware of this if someone unexpectedly has a โ€œpositiveโ€ test on a urine sample.

It is important to note that a test may detect cannabis for three days after using it once and for more than thirty days after continual use. This is because THC is soluble in body fat and the body stores it in these cells.

If a person drastically burns weight it will slowly release the THC, enabling the kidneyโ€™s to eradicate it. Breath, saliva and hair testing can also detect cannabis and this can also be considered as they are able to detect cannabis easily and for a similar period of time after use.

Will CBD Show On A Drug Test?

So, Will you Fail a Drug Test from CBD?

Theoretically, it is possible that you will fail a drug test if you consume a CBD oil or other product that contains THC, however minimal. But due to the threshold implemented with regards to concentration levels, it is highly unlikely.

However, this highlights the importance of independent certified laboratory testing with all CBD products.

If you would like more information take a look at this article: how long CBD will stay in your system.

You can also receive โ€œfalse-positiveโ€ tests for using everyday drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen so you shouldnโ€™t stop using your CBD product just in case you get drug tested as the benefits of such products far outweigh the risk of a โ€œfalse-positiveโ€ drugs test.

You can also be susceptible to testing positive if you are around a cannabis user or happen to inhale secondhand smoke at a party but this is also highly unlikely and so you should not limit your life options on the basis of fear.

CBD has many benefits with regards to alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression and more complicated illnesses like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and these benefits should not be overshadowed by the negative stereotypes that are associated with cannabis use.

In conclusion, drug tests will not screen for CBD because it is not an intoxicating substance and it is not part of an illegal supply chain. CBD is not on the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) banned substance list; therefore, CBD is allowed for athletes in professional sport.

Nonetheless, there is the potential for CBD products to be contaminated by THC and thus, you should try to source CBD products that are manufactured by reputable CBD companies like Beliebis.

If in doubt, speak to your doctor and those who are undertaking the test and provide the necessary evidence to prove that you are using hemp-derived CBD products as a health and wellness supplement.

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